Online, reactions to which worldwide-covered event crippled many major websites and services, as the abundance of people accessing the web addresses pushed internet traffic to unprecedented and historic levels?
Who sang the following Christmas song: Merry Xmas Baby
The cuttlefish hides 2 ways: it can camouflage itself like a chameleon, or hide behind a cloud of this
Due to new laws in most western countries, why would the St Nick in the poem 'A visit from Saint Nicholas (T'was the night before Christmas...) be breaking the law when delivering gifts in most public places ?
In February 1993 Queen Elizabeth issued a writ against which newspaper over the publication of her Christmas day speech?
In 1955 physicists Owen Chamberlain & Emilio Segre discovered the antiproton, which has this kind of charge
12 to 30 miles up, this atmospheric 'layer' largely in the stratosphere protects us from the full force of ultraviolet rays